<div dir="ltr"><div><div><div>My personal vote for tags in concept is to never add anything that's too subjective.<br><br></div>For example, a tag like <i>responsive</i> should be reviewed in the sense of a quick browser window resize to see that yes, it generally adapts to the "screen" size. It should never be an in-depth affair of using a tool like <a href="http://quirktools.com/screenfly/">http://quirktools.com/screenfly/</a> and actually reviewing the quality of the responsive design as that's just insane.<br>
<br></div>So, basically I think the criteria for a tag is that it has to be instantly and natively (wherever your testing area is) recognizable and measurable, a basic yes or no to the tag in question. Outside of that, the more the merrier:<br>
<br></div>responsive, content-only, custom-templates, custom-post-types, social-icons, slider-enabled, seo-friendly (that one might be too subjective and hard to test), html5-structured, css3-styled, header-sidebar, footer-sidebar, footer-menu, custom-colors, custom-copyright to name a few.<br>