Just to clarify, it appears you're primarily referring to my idea about the WP dev edition, and not specifically the other things I'm discussing. The WP dev edition was really just a side note/example that I've long-since realized is never going to happen, oh well, not a big deal.<br>
<br>In any case, you misunderstood anyways. WordPress as a whole is a business and I understand that. As far as I understood it, prefixing everything was a precaution/not a branding technique anyways unless you're saying, no it really is?<br>
<br>White-labeling is about user-friendliness, not losing your name recognition. I don't see WordPress losing its name or power by allowing login.php instead of wp-login.php. Anyways, again... this is a very much side topic.<br>
<br>The discussion I primarily want to open up is "Theme Concept and Code Formatting Methodology" and how other theme designers/developers hope users will utilize your themes or perhaps you don't care at all? That's what I'm curious about if anyone would like to share.<br>