I'm working on a new theme, and would like to clear up what might or might not be acceptable for shortocodes.<br><br>I know that shortcode are really discouraged because at the least they will leave undefined [theme_shortcode] text if the theme is switched.<br>
<br>But I also got the impression there is room for some theme specific shortcodes. Where is the line? Some specific examples I am struggling with (just using generic 'theme' as a name):<br><br>[theme_info] - shows diagnostic information about the theme - this would seem ok as it serves a possibly useful diagnostic function very theme specific.<br>
<br>[theme_show/hide_if_mobile] - Show or hide content depending on desktop/mobile view. Many users want this capability, and it seems really related to how the theme works on mobile views. It could be done with @media and settings for transition points, I suppose, but it really seems the theme is in control of those decisions.<br>
<br>[theme_show_posts options='xxx'] - Show some posts on a page or sidebar. This capability is also very popular with users. To function correctly, it really need to know how a theme formats posts, so separating it from the theme would lead to showing content that doesn't match the rest of the theme. (Same logic could apply to RSS feeds)<br>
<br>[theme_menu] - display menus in alternate locations in format that matches standard theme menu.<br><br>-----<br>I'm especially having difficulties imagining how to write a plugin version of a [theme_show_posts] shortcode that could work across themes and provide any kind styling consistent with the theme.<br>
<br>So I'm curious if any of the higher ups here have an opinion on what kind of shortcode would be acceptable to include with new themes.<br><br>Bruce Wampler<br><br><br><br><br>