Here is a case:<div><br></div><div>Recently I submitted a theme with header size 940x140 pixels, and accordingly pass the values 940 and 140 for 'width' and 'height' arguments into the add_theme_support('custom_header') call. I also set 'flex-width' and 'flex-height' to true, just to give the user more flexibility to crop the image to a different size if they want. That's because the header size isn't really fixed, it varies according to the viewport widths, length of site title/description, etc., so just wanted to give the user some room to play around with a header image size of their choice and get it just the way they want. </div>
<div><br></div><div>Now, the reviewer contends that the size of the header element in the front end *must* grow/shrink if the user uploads a header image with a different height than suggested. The only way for me to achieve that is to increase/decrease the padding above and/or below the site title/description. I don't want to do that as that as modifying the padding would interfere with the proportions of design (at least in my eyes). The other option is to set 'flex-height' to false, and I don't want to do this too for reasons I mentioned above.</div>
<div><br></div><div>The reviewer has cited this issue as one one of the reasons for not-approving the theme. Even if the argument is valid, I'm not sure how this can be a reason to turn down a theme. I'd appreciate opinions on this issue.</div>
<div><br></div><div>Here is the ticket:Â <a href="" target="_blank"></a></div>