He's interested in getting his theme shop listed here:<br><br><a href="http://wordpress.org/extend/themes/commercial/">http://wordpress.org/extend/themes/commercial/</a><br><br>As am I. I've also tried off and on over the past 6 months with no reply.<br>
<br><b>@Otto</b> said that it's pretty much no longer being updated <i>for the most part</i> and that it needs to be reworked/rethought out.<br><br>If anyone has managed to make it on the that list recently let us know, it's certainly not fair if someone is playing favoritism with this list.<br>
<br>I can't speak for Konrad, but my theme shop meets all the requirements and I've submitted all needed details:<br><ul><li>Distribute 100% GPL themes, including artwork and CSS.</li><li>Have professional support options, and optionally customization.</li>
<li>Your site should be complete, well-designed, up to date, and professional looking.</li><li>Include a <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Haiku_in_English">haiku</a> (5-7-5) about yourself to be included.</li></ul>Thanks<br>