<br>Are multiple theme authors OK for themes submitted to the Theme Repo? Or does it require exemption request? I know of at least two themes which are being collaborated on by 2 to 5 individuals during free time and stylesheet header would have only one theme URI and one author URI like this:<br>
<br><div style="margin-left:40px">/*<br>Theme Name: Buddy Bubba<br>Theme URI: <a href="http://buddy-bubba-for-example-only.com/">http://buddy-bubba-for-example-only.com/</a><br>Description: Compatible with WP 3.4/BP 1.5.5+. Cool responsive Bubba Golf Theme.<br>
Author: bubbaone, bubbatwo, bubbathree, bubbafour, bubbafive<br>Author URI: <a href="http://buddypress.org/">http://buddypress.org/</a><br>Version: 1.0<br>License: GNU General Public License<br>License URI: license.txt<br>
Tags: buddypress, green, white, translation-ready,etc<br>*/<br></div><br>Thanks.<br><br>