Looked at then new additions, and Yay! I'm pretty sure there is nothing my new 3.4 compatible version will fail, except, perhaps:<br><br>... including no inline styles in the Theme template ...<br><br>--------<br><br>
So, does Theme template mean the user side page templates, or everything, including admin side?<br><br>---<br>My admin side has lots and lots of text, including help text and other information that has plenty of style= rules so that my admin stuff looks nice. There is so much text that I don't think there ever will be translations out of English, so none of the admin side is wrapped in __()'s. <br>
<br>For me, it is an issue of just creating the interface text on the fly productively. So, should I through and add a bunch of arbitrary class="mytheme-zz01" rules and add them to the admin style sheet, or will there be more flexibility for the admin side? Seems sort of pointless - other than I guess reviewers wouldn't be able to do global searches for "style=". (on the opposite side, that will really make a huge diff report from the previous version...)<br>
<br>Any know of a way to automate that for PHP code (not just html)? Just want to get this right.<br><br>----<br><br>Bruce Wampler<br>