How are the files included in the themes functions.php file loaded.<br><br>Like, some of the files are required only for the backend (admin), so are those files called for when generating the page for regular visitors?<br>
<br><br>For example, I have this code<br><br><div style="margin-left: 40px;">//Required to show the page navigation.<br>require_once ( INCLUDES. '/wp-pagenavi.php' ); // Add's wp page nav support, script by Lester Chann<br>
<br>// Required only for the backend.<br>require_once (ADMIN. '/admin-header.php'); //Header of options page<br>require_once (ADMIN. '/admin-core.php'); // Work horse for SWIFT admin options.<br>
</div><br><br>Should i use some conditional tags while loading the files?<br><br><br><br>Satish Gandham<br>