<pre style="margin-left: 40px;">If Satish had simply brought up his problems with a "Have we really<br>settled on requiring add_theme_page() yet?" question, then this would<br>have been a one or two email thread instead of 20+ emails of people<br>
bickering at each other.<br></pre><br>Had it been the only instance, I would have done what you suggested. I was looking for some solution which would gurantee that such things wont happen in future. Now as you made it very clear, that there are going to be such sitautions in future. This will be my last mail on such issues.<br>
<br><br>FYI, <br>1. I brought up the add_theme_page() issue here, and asked if you could make a excuse this time. And the answer was strict NO.<br><div style="margin-left: 40px;"><br>If the Theme options *must* be separated into two pages (in most cases, one<br>
page is sufficient; but there are exceptions), then just put the two pages<br>under "Appearance". Still no need for a separate, top-level menu entry<br></div><pre><br></pre>I was forced to remove the top level menu while the issue was still under discussion.<br>
<br>2. Not a single time, my theme was approved suggesting a "requirement" for the next version. Often times, recommendations were forced as requirements.<br><br><pre style="margin-left: 40px;">Pointing to other themes with a "but they did it!" attitude is<br>
equally unacceptable. Just because one theme "got away" with something<br>doesn't mean you can do the same.<br></pre><br>I'm not asking to pass my theme because you passed the other. I already fixed the issues pointed out and uploaded a new version.<br>
<br>I'm asking for a solid guidelines, which are fair to everyone, which wont let some themes get away.<br><br><div style="margin-left: 40px;">We realize it can be<br>upsetting, but reviewers are human, and pointing out instances that<br>
you feel are unfair can be done without making it personal.<br></div><br>--Having guidelines which should not be broken will reduce unfair reviews and help the community as a whole.<br><br>I'm sorry if I made it personal.<br>
<br>Satish Gandham<br><br><br><br>