You can use this java script to make sure that images doesn't overflow the content width.<br><br> <br> jQuery(window).load(function() {<br> jQuery('div.entry img').each(function() {<br> current_width = jQuery(this).width();<br>
current_resized_width=jQuery(this).attr('width');<br> current_height = jQuery(this).height();<br> content_width=jQuery('#content').width()-34;<br> aspect_ratio = current_width/current_height;<br>
if(current_width > content_width&&current_resized_width>content_width) {<br> jQuery(this).removeAttr('width');<br> jQuery(this).removeAttr('height');<br>
<br> new_height = content_width/aspect_ratio;<br> jQuery(this).width(content_width+'px');<br> jQuery(this).height(new_height);<br> }<br> });<br>
});<br><br> jQuery(window).load(function() {<br> jQuery('div.wp-caption').each(function() {<br> jQuery(this).removeAttr('width');<br> current_width = jQuery(this).width();<br>
current_height = jQuery(this).height();<br> <br> content_width=jQuery('#content').width()-34;<br> aspect_ratio = current_width/current_height;<br> if(current_width > content_width+12) {<br>
new_height = (content_width+12)/aspect_ratio;<br> jQuery(this).width(content_width+12+'px');<br> }<br> });<br> });<br><br><br><br>Now if we can stop discussion on $content_width, and get back to my question.<br>
<br><blockquote><b>I'm not sure i'm understanding why you're having a 3 week waiting time, don't you have an already approved status on it?</b><br></blockquote><br>My theme never got place in previously approved themes queue, all my updates go to previously reviewed themes.<br>
<br><blockquote><b>As long it's just like 1 or 2 minor things such as that. That way the author gets their theme on the repo and fixes the code utilized on the next update and knows about it.<br></b></blockquote><div style="margin-left: 40px;">
<b>I'm sure you'll agree that - this method of thinking will help things out quite a bit without rejecting for just a single little thing. Which of course is all dependent on the reviewer doing the review if they wish to do it or not.</b><br>
</div><br>I agree, but I'm trying to find out why I don't get such exceptions.<br><br><b>If you see my last ticket,</b><br><br>It was rejected for some simple issues on the backed, and for a word overflowing , a 33 letter word over flowing.<br>
Who is gonna use a 33 letter word?<br><br>While I appreciate the reviewer taking such time to do a through review of the theme and posting the screen shots.<br>It's clear that, the review was soo deep, just to find reasons to reject the theme.<br>
<a href=""></a><br><br>Here is the screen shot of platform theme, on a new installation of WordPress after importing the test data.<br>
<br><a href=""></a><br><br>1.It uses pagelines logo in the header, while it should show the blog name and blog title.<br>2.Text on default installation is unreadable.<br>3. Screenshot is not close to the default installation..<br>
<br>I checked the previous tickets on the theme, there was never a mention of the screenshot, and on my theme I was repeatedly asked to change the screenshot.<br><br>Are you still going to say that there is no bias?<br><br>