[theme-reviewers] screenshot.jpg

Otto otto at ottodestruct.com
Mon Mar 24 00:13:34 UTC 2014

On Sun, Mar 23, 2014 at 6:29 PM, Devin Price <devin at wptheming.com> wrote:

> @emil  I just ran imageOptim on the screenshot.  File sizes afterwards
> were 168k for the .jpg.  538k for the .png.  I think allowing a
> "screenshot.jpg" would definitely be better in this situation.
There's a couple of reasons that we're only checking for PNG right now, and
adding JPG wouldn't be hard, but yikes, what is in this image that causes
it to be so big?

PNGs are generally better for computer generated graphics, like the sorts
of things you'd find in a screenshot of a website. JPGs are lossy and only
thus make sense for actual photographic images, where the loss isn't nearly
as noticeable. Also, JPGs perform somewhat worse on lower resolution text,
like you'd expect to see on a website.

So, I'm guessing you have a big photo prominent on the theme screenshot
somewhere. While I'm not against that on the whole, I'd ask whether or not
having a big photo really showcases the theme well... and also if you have
proper rights on the image to do that, but just as a safety check, sort of

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