[wp-hackers] SF FLOSS Usability Sprint

Scott Merrill skippy at skippy.net
Thu Feb 17 17:54:26 GMT 2005

I recently received an announcement about the upcoming FLOSS Usability 
Sprint in San Francisco.  Since this is something about which many 
WordPress developers are passionate, I thought I'd share the word:


The focus is on non-profit organizations (I heard about it from the 
Debian Non-Profit mailing list), but the usability expertise ought to be 
useful to all.

skippy at skippy.net | http://skippy.net/

gpg --keyserver pgp.mit.edu --recv-keys 9CFA4B35
506C F8BB 17AE 8A05 0B49  3544 476A 7DEC 9CFA 4B35

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