[wp-hackers] Spam comments on the old posts

David House dave at xmouse.ithium.net
Sat Sep 25 10:39:16 UTC 2004

Quoting Mark Shields <laebshade at gmail.com>:

> While it may be "super-easy" it isn't very practical.  I, like many
> others, do not wish to modify the core code.  Not because I can't, but
> it's much easier to override a hack than a plugin.  I have found
> Dougal Campbell's Tarpit to be very useful and a great deterrent.

Fair enough. It was written before the plugin architecture came about and when
the only other alternatives were running shelduled tasks. I realise that
modifying core code is enough to put most people off.

I just like the fact that one line of code (or 2 if you prefer to be thorough:
I've actually added another check in wp-comments-post.php just in case) can cut
off so much spam. :)

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