[wp-hackers] 1.3a2 CVS

Doug Daulton ddaulton at ursastudios.com
Sun Sep 5 22:07:38 UTC 2004

I think Kitty is on the right track.  Isolating page elements into thier 
own templates/includes will make it simpler for non-devs to make 
modifications and new themes/skins.  I would bet there are several 
designers who are intimidated by hacking around in the main file for 
fear of blowing something up.

Three cheers for this direction in the next release.

Kitty wrote:

>After Matt's spamming of the CVS list last night ;) I've been looking
>over some of the changes. One thing that jumps out that could be real
>confusing is footer.php.
>It includes the sidebar/footer/everything not in the main loop. I agree
>that separating the files is good, the sidebar stuff probably shouldn't
>be in a "footer" file. (I would think that most people think of stuff at
>the bottom of the page when they hear "footer," and having the sidebar
>there is misleading.)
>Also with a separate file some of the more elaborate themes could
>include a replacement sidebar file for easy drop in replacement
>I think that under this schema, we should have a sidebar.php in addition
>to footer.php to account for this.
>Pros: More segregation of functions; easier customisation; user changes
>will only bork the sidebar, if something borks; would move towards
>making WP skinable (e.g. have a stylesheet included by the sidebar file,
>Cons: Another file to manage; might increase package size.
>Attached files:
>sidebar.diff - changes needed to existing files.
>wp-sidebar.php - the new sidebar file.
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