[wp-hackers] Plugin DB and RSS Feed...

drDave drdave at unknowngenius.com
Mon Oct 25 06:45:53 UTC 2004

Just a small reminder regarding the Plugin DB...
it's been updated (both client, admin and DB), holds quite a few  
plugins now: http://unknowngenius.com/wp-plugins/
However it's still a far cry from an exhaustive repository, which is  
too bad, since it draws quite a few users, presumably eager to try your  

I know how it is and I am aware that, once one finishes a plugin or any  
piece of code, it's always a drag to go back and do something more on  
top. But it's really quite stupid to commit time and effort to  
something and not give it the exposure it could get, helping new users  
get features they want along the way.
It also seems that a few people are reluctant to let their plugins be  
presented anywhere else than on their own blog... which is their  
right... but I'd like to point out that the system allows developers to  
handle their accounts/plugin descriptions etc. on their own. The DB  
only holds the text they provide and links to their website, so if  
traffic is a concern to you, you should realize that it will definitely  
bring more people to your site than it would take away.

In other news, there is also an RSS feed with the latest release and  

For all the details, you can check out this entry:  

And do not hesitate to contact me regarding features, bugs, comments  

PS: I am not particularly enthusiastic about the current Layout/CSS ,  
however I have only limited time to spend on this project, and prefer  
to focus on backend development at the moment. Though not perfect, it  
is perfectly functional and will remain that way until somebody has  
some time to contribute to it.

Dave / デイヴ
drdave at unknowngenius.com

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