[wp-hackers] Category-Specific Email Notification Plugin

Danny Dawson quasistoic at gmail.com
Tue Oct 5 19:55:09 UTC 2004

Sorry, I'm still having trouble trying to figure out where exactly to
insert that statement.  I tried inserting it before SELECT TITLE FROM
DB and I've tried inserting it before
 		if (isset($_POST['publish'])) $post_status = 'publish';
with no luck.  I've attached most of the relevant code (from the
beginning of the plugin) below.

    //                    CREATE VARIABLES
    if(!isset($wpdb->posts)) {
       $wpdb->posts               = $table_prefix . 'posts';
       $wpdb->postmeta            = $table_prefix . 'postmeta';
       $wpdb->users               = $table_prefix . 'users';

    if(!isset($wpdb->email_list)) {
       $wpdb->email_list          = $table_prefix . 'email_list';

    // add_action(hook, action, priority)
    // [priority 0-10 with 0 being the highest priority]
    add_action('publish_post', 'send_notification', 5);

function send_notification($post_ID)  {

    //                   CONFIG SECTION

      $from_email = 'intranet at fontshop.com';
      $nice_urls = 'no';     // yes or no
      $show_content = 'yes';  // yes or no - send the entire post in email
      $html_email = 'no';    // yes for HTML, no for Text

    //                     OTHER SETTINGS

      # Site Information
      $site_name = get_settings('blogname');
      $site_url = get_settings('siteurl');
      $blog_url = get_settings('home');

      # Set Global
      global $wpdb;

    //                   GRAB POST STATUS
		$prev_status = $_POST['prev_status'];
		$post_status = $_POST['post_status'];

		if (isset($_POST['publish'])) $post_status = 'publish';

		// are we going from draft/private to published?
		if ($prev_status != 'publish' && $post_status == 'publish') {

	    //               SELECT TITLE FROM DB
	    $query = "SELECT post_title, post_content FROM $wpdb->posts WHERE
ID = '$post_ID'";
      $row = $wpdb->get_row($query);

	    $post_title = stripslashes($row->post_title);
      $post_title =
array('"','"','´','–','—','...'), $post_title);
      $post_title = utf8_decode($post_title);

	    $post_content = stripslashes($row->post_content);
      $post_content =
str_replace(array("“","â€?","’","â€"","â€"","…"," "),
array('"','"','´','–','—','...',' '), $post_content);
      $post_content = utf8_decode($post_content);

      if ($html_email != 'yes'){
        $post_content =
array('','','','','* ',''), $post_content);
        $post_content = strip_tags($post_content);

On Tue, 5 Oct 2004 14:59:41 -0400, Tor Bjornrud <bjornrud at msu.edu> wrote:
> > Brian has authored an Email Notification Plugin which notifies a list
> > of users when a new blog post is published:
> > http://www.briangroce.com/software/wp-email-notification.html
> >
> > How difficult would it be to modify this plugin to be
> > category-specific?
> Not very hard at all, probably around 4 lines of code or so.  You need
> to find out the category number, and in at the place where the plugin
> actually does its stuff add something like (pseudo-code warning):
> if(in_category(33)){
> and remember to close the codeblock at the end of the meat of the code.
> ~Tor
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Danny Dawson

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