[wp-hackers] Customisations/Modifications to WordPress

Dennis Williamson dennis at netstrata.com
Sun Nov 14 17:21:20 UTC 2004

Here's some stuff to get you started:

Support: http://wordpress.org/support

Try these for your issues: 
http://wordpress.org/support/?action=search&searchFor=rss+title and 

Documentation: http://wiki.wordpress.org

CVS: http://sourceforge.net/projects/cafelog/ and 

Bug Tracking: http://mosquito.wordpress.org/view_all_bug_page.php

PHPXref: http://www.cenamayo.com/wpxref/nav.html?index.html

Plugins and Hacks: http://wiki.wordpress.org/Plugin and 
http://unknowngenius.com/wp-plugins/ and http://wiki.wordpress.org/WPHacks

Lots of Good Stuff: http://www.tamba2.org.uk/wordpress/


At Sunday 11/14/2004 10:31 AM, you wrote:
>I'm a new WordPress user (Installed 9 November). I've posted a bunch of 
>mostly inconsequential-but-not-junk posts to try to get a feel for 
>WordPress. I'm reasonably happy so far, it is certainly a nicer 
>environment than pretty much anything else I've worked with so far. (If 
>anybody has any suggestions, suggest away, I'm always looking for better 
>ideas and ways of doing things).
>There are a number of little things I don't like about WordPress and have 
>set about fixing some of them. They are mostly things that reflect my 
>preferences however sometimes it is a bit more than that.
>For example, in the out-of-the-box installation of WordPress categories 
>are supported, and rss can supply category-based feeds. The problem is 
>that the RSS link on the category page (.../index.php?cat=99) doesn't 
>provide a link to the category's feed it provides one to the site.
>First off, I found a function that should provide this, but I couldn't 
>find it used anywhere. It also seemed to need to know too much (but I'm 
>not sure this is true). So I didn't use it. I modified the get_bloginfo 
>function (in template-functions-general.php).
>Secondly, WordPress reports the title of a category RSS feed as the site 
>title. I modified wp-rss2.php to include the category title with a 
>separator that doesn't foul up the RSS validation (the default separator 
>used in the index page's title will not validate).
>Now, why am I posting this?
>1) Surely somebody has done this before, and almost surely there is some 
>way to do this in WordPress already. I couldn't find any way though. Is 
>there someplace I should be looking for this kind of thing?
>2) I suppose it is possible that this isn't supported by WordPress. How do 
>I submit the changes? How do I tell people about it? And, related to 1), 
>how do I find what little tweaks others have done?
>Bob Hutchison          -- blogs at <http://www.recursive.ca/hutch/>
>Recursive Design Inc.  -- <http://www.recursive.ca/>
>hackers mailing list
>hackers at wordpress.org

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