[wp-hackers] Introduce yourself

Zarniwoop florian.jung at gmail.com
Tue Jun 22 17:09:40 UTC 2004

Here I go:

* who you are

I'm Florian Jung (aka Zarniwoop on the forums), graduate student of
physics at Mainz/Germany. I stumbled over WP when searching for some
news managment software I wanted to use on our intranet website.

* why you're here

Since I've already written a plugin I considered it a good idea to stay
in touch with the newest developments of the plugin API and put my two
cents in.

* what you'd like to get out of this list

  - I'd like to be involved in WP development
  - Some more hooks in the admin panel, especially in the edit form
  - A better way to manage images and other media -- uploading to
    subfolders would be nice
  - Make WP better than ever before

Best Regards,

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