[wp-hackers] WordPress, authors and posts

Carthik Sharma carthik at gmail.com
Wed Jun 16 20:33:48 UTC 2004

There have been frequent questions about :

1) Why a user cannot view/edit other authors' drafts (same level users)
2) Why admin cannot edit other users' drafts
3) Why , when an author is deleted, the posts are deleted, and why
posts are "non-transferable"


is an example.

I think it needs to clarified as to how wordpress treats posts as the
"property" of their authors.

One small source of irritation is the fact that the admin user can
edit others' published posts, but not the drafts. Maybe this should be
resolved one way or the other (a. admin can't see/edit other authors'
posts/drafts , or, b. admin can see/edit other authors' posts and

The case for users of the same level being able to edit each others'
drafts is to enable "workgroup" style editing of content before it is
The case against it is the integrity of a user's data/drafts.

I thought of posting this as a bug note for the above bug but thought
it better to post it here. Pardon me if should have rather just posted
it as a bug note. :)

Carthik Sharma
Ph.D. Fellow
University of Central Florida
Homepage: http://carthik.net

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