[wp-hackers] adding in RSS mode to trackback

Shelley Powers shelleyp at burningbird.net
Fri Jul 23 03:58:43 UTC 2004

Good points Craig, and thanks. I think that trackback has less value 
since Technorati has gotten so popular (soon to become even more 
popular) .I'm not sure that time spent in trackbacks is a good use. Hmmm.

My problem is that Wordpress with the mods I've made is about perfect 
for me. There's not a darn thing wrong with it. I even was able to sit 
through a spam comment attack last night and gloat as I watched the log 
file record POST after POST and nary a one showing up in  my pages. 
Everything works too well. It's great.

But I'm a tweaker. I need something to tweak. But I think maybe the rss 
mode thing just doesn't have the payback. Sigh.

However, there are some other twisted things I want to work on. Not as 
twisted as Kitty's "pay as you spam" comments (which gave me a snicker, 
as did the test comment), but twisted.



Craig Hartel wrote:

> Shelley,
> A large number of WP users barely understand the concept of trackbacks 
> and pingbacks. While I *think* I do, I am loathe to explain it to 
> someone who asks me directly.
> That said, anything that adds value to WP and its functionality is a 
> positive thing..
> Craig.
> NuclearMoose.
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