[wp-hackers] Plugin Site

Jason goldsmith unteins at gmail.com
Sat Jul 17 14:35:18 UTC 2004

It is at least encouraging that Craig Hartel seems to be heading in a
direction that doesn't tell developers that they can go take a hike.

I wrote my plugin to give ME features I needed for WordPress and then
I was nice and released it so other people can use it. As a developer
not only did I spend my time writing the plugin, but I also spend my
time supporting it. The two always go hand in hand, at least for me.

There are bugs that need to be fixed in my plugin, I haven't had time
to fix them yet because I had to get a second job. If I were making
money from my plugin, then I wouldn't have to do that. When I hear
someone say screw the developer and their forced advertising clause on
top of the GPL my reaction is "Screw developing plugins then" I'll
write code for myself, I won't share and everyone can take a hike.

My plugin has not only helped the people that use it, but I know of at
least one plugin author who benefited from my plugin in their own
work. It truly would be a shame if plugin authors lost all control of
their plugins and couldn't get anything out of the work they put in to
doing it. This is one of the reasons why many companies and developers
DESPISE the GPL, when people use it as a weapon against them instead
of as a tool to help others.

I'm glad Craig seems to have respect for the developer's wishes, no
matter what the GPL would give him permission to do.

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