[wp-hackers] User-friendly feeds

jonner.1979671 at bloglines.com jonner.1979671 at bloglines.com
Tue Aug 10 19:28:30 UTC 2004

Has there been any discussion on this list about using client-side XSL transforms
on RSS/atom feeds  (see [1] for example) or even a simple CSS stylesheet for
feeds (see blogger [2])?  I think this takes a bit of the mystery out of the
feeds and makes them more user-friendly.  All it would take is a simple XSL
template (or css file) and a one-line processing instruction in the rss /atom
files like:

<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="/path/to/rss2html.xsl"?>

Of course, browser support for XSL isn't ubiquitous yet, but the worst-case
scenario is that the browser ignorses the stylesheet instruction and it's
displayed exactly as it is now.


[1] http://diveintomark.org/xml/atom.xml

[2] http://www.evhead.com/atom.xml

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